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Facebook lets you like the web 1 min read

Facebook lets you like the web

By T. S. Lim
Facebook lets you like the web Post image

Facebook just released a new Like Button for you to easily share content on the web to your friends. It's basically the same Like functionality you see on Facebook comments and photos, made available to every page on the web. I've added it here on my blog where you can see it right after the article. For those who are also using Wordpress, here's the code I added to the single.php file. 

The code is originally generated from Facebook's Like Button page which I then replaced the URL to Like with the current page url shown below.

<?php echo urlencode(get_permalink()); ?>

<?php echo urlencode(the_permalink()); ?> // Use this in index.php

The button also tells you if any of your friends liked the page. Try out the button below and tell me what you think.
