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Getting it right vs Not getting it wrong 1 min read

Getting it right vs Not getting it wrong

By T. S. Lim
Getting it right vs Not getting it wrong Post image

Both might sound the same but I think they are really two entirely different approaches to learning and solving problems. The natural approach to learn about something is to experiment and try out new things. You might not get it in the beginning but eventually and hopefully after a few tries you'll get it right.

However, there are some that are so worried about failing and getting it wrong, their approach is instead to not make any mistakes. I'm all for minimizing mistakes but this doesn't work if you don't even understand how something work.

Man greatest inventions and innovations are found through countless experimentations and relentless trials and errors. Thomas Edison tried thousands of times before he finally got it right and invented the light bulb. Imagine if he were to worry about getting it wrong.
